To catch you up to date I'll skip the nitty gritty of the daily details of my growing and developing. Although Mom would say she deserves an entire book after surviving the first 20 weeks - hopefully a few sentences will do... Let's just say she put the SICK in "morning sickness"!!! Poor Mom had a really rough run from week 6 - until week 20 (although she still has her "moments"). In fact, I've heard through the grapevine that for every week she was sick, I am grounded for that long when I join the family! Now, how is that fair lady!! :) I'm sure my "cuteness" will make her forget all about those "green days"! Mom and Dad are very thankful to have gotten wonderful reports from the doctor each visit. Mom and I are both growing at a healthy pace! Our 17 week visit was an extra special one. That's when the doctor revealed that I was a BOY!! I think the entire hospital could hear mom scream and cry with excitement...and I'm pretty sure I even saw Dad leak a tear or two :) They decided LUKE McCAIN was a fitting name for me, and put the "official stamp" on it following encouragement from family members who "needed" to know the name so they could get busy monogramming! (thanks Aunt Ann and Aunt Jen!)
Now that Mom has "perked" up, she has been busy, busy preparing for my arrival. She had my nursery painted today and has finally made a decision on my bedding (She'll post pictures soon!) Dad likes to point out that she's "nesting", but I think Mom feels like she has to make up for "lost time" spent sick on the couch during her first trimester and half of second! Once I reached 18 weeks, I was able to start hearing Mom and Dad's voices... they talk to me all the time and I love it! Dad makes playlists for me to listen to...the music makes me dance, dance, dance in Mom's belly!